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The genius of Leonardo da Vinci went as far as the study of anatomy, to the point of being considered one of the founding fathers. The artist, in fact, devoted much to the study of the human body and its components. But Leonardo's drawings were not only graphite on paper, but rather represented a research and a study that resulted in emotion: he began to study first the skull considered true abode of the soul and union of all the senses, up to go to the analysis of the skeleton, up to the muscles, intestine and fetus within a mother's womb. All these studies are called the Windsor Code.
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Today, at Palazzo Zaguri, thanks to plastination, a technique developed in the late nineties in Germany and now used in the universities for anatomy lessons and to perfect endoscopy practices, which allows the preservation of human bodies by depriving them of their liquids and making them rigid and odorless, these drawings come to life, taking on a three-dimensional dimension: the muscles of the human arm, rather than the vertebral column or the vascular system, the organs of the thorax and the female abdomen, and ending with the Vitruvian man become reality reproducing the studies of the genius Leonardo.
From 18 May 2019 the history of science, the history of medicine and the history of art meet in a single place, Palazzo Zaguri in Venice, in an exhibition event capable of combining medical and scientific study with the pleasure of knowledge.
The exhibition "Authentic Human Bodies. Leonardo da Vinci" thanks to plastination makes the master's ancient sketches on the beauty and complexity of the human body tangible, literally "in the flesh": it will be possible to "touch" the scientific and artistic path taken by Leonardo, starting from the internal organs to extend in a continuous cycle of new discoveries and revolutionary designs that for the time represented an unparalleled vanguard.
With this exhibition, Palazzo Zaguri confirms its commitment to spread unique and original cultural projects. “Authentic Human Bodies. Leonardo da Vinci" is yet another step in this direction: an extraordinary exhibition in its originality, in which Leonardo's drawings, still analyzed today at the anatomy universities, once again become a source of artistic and scientific inspiration.
Visiting an exhibition in Venice always gives an extra emotion: being able to enter and visit one of its splendid palaces!
Sestiere San Marco 2667 / a-2668
Campo San Maurizio 30124

The exhibition is open every day from 10.00 am to 8.00 pm (last entry at 7.00 pm).

- Full ticket (including audio guide) € 10
- Reduced ticket (including audio guide) € 8