
Venice is one of the most famous cities in the world. Its artistic beauties, its glorious history and its structural characteristics: and this is why every year thousands and thousands of tourists go to the Lagoon to enjoy such wonder, to see with their own eyes a city with such a unique structure it's particular.

But Venice is a city as precious as it is fragile and for the respect of its integrity it is necessary that everyone, when he goes to the city, keeps few and precise rules in mind. Therefore, we thought of elaborating a decalogue for the venetian tourist, a useful but at the same time ironic and sarcastic instrument, which will accompany the visitor on a satisfying, respectful and "responsible" vacation.


1 - Don't dive into the waters of the Grand Canal if you're hot!

Holidays, it is known, often fall in the summer, a hot season even in Venice. But this does not allow you, kind visitor, to strip naked or throw you in the Grand Canal and rii to refresh yourself! We therefore ask you to respect this prohibition and invite you instead to take a walk to the beaches of the Lido: here you can fight the summer heat rightly!

2 - Don't camp out, use the benches!

After hours of intense "tourist trekking" among museums, churches and buildings, it is more than legitimate that you are hungry and want to enjoy a tasty outdoor meal. Anything wrong! But remember, however, to eat your well-deserved breakfast sitting on the benches, and not crouching on the ground, between the streets or on the steps of the bridges! And above all, remember that any form of bivouac is forbidden in the area between the Molo, Piazzetta dei Leoncini and Piazza San Marco: be careful, you could be fined!

3 - Don't feed the pigeons!

Are you in a sensitive mood and do you think feeding the animals is a noble deed worthy of praise? You are right. But I beg you, kind visitor, not to feed the famous pigeons of Venice with the crumbs of your meal, dramatically multiplying the already high number. The cute birds, despite themselves, are a vehicle of diseases and are among the worst causes of damage to the artistic treasures of the Lagoon.

4 - Don't paint or sculpt the stones of Venice!

Venice is a city so fascinating and rich in works of art that it can surely inspire creativity, even the most instinctive one. But please, dear tourist, to vent these sudden artistic impulses of painting and engraving on sheets and canvases, and not on the walls, on the stones and on the marbles of the monuments that enrich the city.

5 - Do not use the calli as a dustbin!

The city of Venice is so rich in works and monuments, and its life is so hectic and pulsating that even the longest vacation seems too short. And we understand it, kind visitor, if you are in a hurry, just as quickly as you consume your quick meal. But please throw the rubbish and the leftovers in the nearest trash and not for the precious city streets.

6 - Always keep your right hand!

Venice is a must-see for everyone, and many people want to visit it, covering it far and wide. Unfortunately, however, the Venetian streets and bridges are not as wide and spacious as the streets of modern metropolis! So try to always respect the right during your journey and not hinder the walk of those who live and work in the city!

We will all be grateful to you!

7 - Don't raise your voice too much at night!

Venice is not only a treasure chest of priceless treasures, but it is also a city like all others, with its rules and its laws. And even if, usually, during the vacation in the lagoon you can breathe the atmosphere of a thousand and one nights, certain times, like the etiquette of good manners, should be respected here too. Please, then, after 11 pm, not to overdo it with revelry, celebrations and ringing voices, because the houses between the narrow streets are not far away and the risk of disturbing the tranquility and sleep of the Venetians is high! You can have fun even in a low voice!

8 - Don't disturb when you're on the vaporetto!

For a stay in Venice it is absolutely essential to use the vaporetto, the main means of transport in the city. Therefore, despite the large crowd and the great frenzy of every Venetian holiday, when you are in the vaporetto we invite you to pay special attention to the other passengers, arranging your luggage in the spaces indicated and trying not to block the entry and exit routes. We know that from the vaporetto in front of your eyes the images of incredible scenarios flow, trembling with the desire to immortalize with your camera: but please do not disturb the other passengers, you will have the opportunity during your vacation to take all the photos you want !

9 - Don't desire the stuff of others, choose in Made in Venice!

Buying souvenirs is an almost obligatory stop on any trip that respects itself. Upon returning from Venice, then, all your relatives will expect a typical gift that represents the city and its traditions. But please, do not give in to the temptation to buy goods from the many illegal sellers that infest the city, or in the shops that sell fake and terrible imitations of Venetian craftsmanship.

Respect Venetian craftsmanship and the law and defend the made in Venice!

10 - Remember to use the catwalks in case of high water!

What makes Venice unique in the world is its status as a "water city" having been built by stealing the land from the Lagoon. all this water following the moon phases rises and falls 2 times a day. Sometimes, however, this Lagoon is upset and rises a little too much, creating the famous and demanding high water phenomenon. If you are in the city and you find yourself with high water, don't be a hero and always use the alternative routes made with the special walkways that allow you to walk in the dry.