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Another piece of contemporary art culture in Venice finally restarts, the Peggy Guggenheim Collection: to all intents and purposes one of the most remarkable contemporary museum excellence in Italy, with a collection of works and testimonies that tell the avant-garde of the early twentieth century, the artistic experiences of the post-war period, the artistic relations between Italy and America up to the latest trends in the visual arts. From Salvador Dalì to Pablo Picasso, from Jackson Pollock's works to those of Giorgio de Chirico, from Vasily Kandinsky to Renè Magritte, the museum's permanent collection is a succession of great masterpieces that all lovers of the genre should visit at least once in their lifetime.

We restArt with few new rules but always with the same great emotions

The pandemic has changed some of our social habits, and museum spaces being forced to reinvent themselves. So there will be a few new little rules to follow but the emotion of great contemporary art remains absolutely intact.

In any case, the museum will be open every Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm, with restricted access by reservation. 

From June 1st it will be possible to buy the ticket per time slot, with priority entrance to the museum, through the online ticket office. On the other hand, at the museum premises it will be possible to purchase the ticket only by credit card and bancomat (depending on availability compared to the maximum capacity established by the new security protocol). Members, and all those who are entitled to a free ticket, must book by specifying the day and time of the visit, by writing an email to prenotazioni@guggenheim-venice.it or by calling +39 041 2405440 from Monday to Friday from 10 am to 3 pm. 

Please note that the maximum number of visitors in the museum spaces is 70 people at the same time. For this reason we recommend that you purchase your ticket online. Inside the museum it will be possible to use regularly sanitized every use lockers for objects in place of the cloakroom service that remains suspended.

During the visit it will be obligatory to maintain an interpersonal distance of at least 1 metre, and it will be necessary to wear the mask for the entire route. To sanitize your hands you can use the special disinfectant gel dispensers. 

The Museum Shop is allowed to present only 8 people at the same time: here it is mandatory to wear a mask and gloves to be able to touch the goods. The Museum Café is not yet accessible to the public.

N.B In this first phase of reopening it will be possible to visit only the permanent collection but not the temporary exhibition "Migrating Objects: art from Africa, Oceania and the Americas in the Peggy Guggenheim Collection", which is still set up waiting to schedule a possible opening date.

Stay tuned...